Homework Submission Guidelines
Checking over 100 exercises a week is a challenging task. In order to help us in completing this task on time, you must comply with the following guidelines. Take a minute to go through the guidelines; Not following them will result in loss of points.
What to Submit
Unless specifically instructed otherwise, each submission should include a soft copy which will include all your files packed into a single Zip file, and a hard copy, which is a printout of all your answers.
Hard Copy (Printouts)
In these instructions, when we say "program" we mean "class file" or "Vic program".
Soft Copy
Unless the exercise instructions state otherwise, follow these guidelines:
Exercise number : 3.1
File Name : FooBar.java
Name (First Last) : Umberto Cohen
Student ID : 032392431
Email : [email protected]
When to Submit
The deadline of each exercise is posted under the Exercises page. Deadlines may change, so pay attention to the web site. Late submissions will not be accepted and will receive a zero grade.
Unless specifically instructed otherwise, each submission should include a soft copy which will include all your files packed into a single Zip file, and a hard copy, which is a printout of all your answers.
Hard Copy (Printouts)
In these instructions, when we say "program" we mean "class file" or "Vic program".
- Print all your programs and other answers on paper, in the same order they are given in the homework (e.g. 4.1, then 4.2, etc.).
- Each answer should be marked clearly with the section number (e.g. 4.1, 4.2, etc.). If it's a Java program, it should be part of the submission block. If it's a VIC program or an open question, add it manually to the top of the page.
- Each program/class should begin on a separate page, even if it's only a couple of lines.
- The entire submission should start with a header page stating the course name, your full name, ID, IDC email address and exercise number. Stylize as you want.
- The print orientation should be portrait (not landscape). This goes both to programs and answers to open questions. The font should be a fixed-width font (all letters have the same width). Courier New is recommended. The font size should be at least 10 points. The text color should be easily readable. Black is recommended. If you are printing directly from Eclipse or some other IDE, it's your responsibility to verify that all the text is easily readable.
- Make sure that your printed code is exactly the same as the one you emailed. For example, make sure that the printed lines break on paper exactly as they break in the file. If the code on paper does not seem to compile, you will lose points for code that doesn't compile.
- Staple all the pages on the top left corner. Make sure the stapling doesn't hide any text in internal pages. Don't use any folder, envelope, wrapping, or whatever. Just hand in a sheaf of papers stapled together, starting with a header page.
- Submit to Hadar Avodot.
Soft Copy
Unless the exercise instructions state otherwise, follow these guidelines:
- Pack all your files in one Zip file. You can use the free version of Winzip for that. There are other free software that can create Zip files (Google them). Do not include folders in your file, but only the files themselves. You can do so by selecting all the files, right-clicking them, and selecting "Add to Zip".
- The zip file name will be Exnn.zip, where nn stands for 2 digits of the exercise number. For example, the files of your solution to exercise 3 will be packed in a Zip file called Ex03.zip (NOT Ex3.zip).
- Include your source files (.java files), text solutions (if any) and any other solution file.
- Do not include your byte-code (.class) files -- we don't need them.
- Remove any testing code from your soft copy, unless explicitly instructed to do so.
- Do not include any code that we provided, unless explicitly instructed to do so.
- Email the zip file to the tutors ([email protected]). The subject should be in the following format: Exnn-id-fullname, where 'nn' is the exercise number in two digits, id is your student identification number, and fullname is your full name. For example: "Ex03-01234567-Umberto Cohen".
- Make sure the email leaves your mailbox before the submission time (click send/receive on time)! If you want to email a fix for your solution, do so before the submission time (send the entire submission again). The latest version you send before the submission time is the one we check.
- Use your IDC mailbox. If you send from any other mailbox we are not responsible for any mail problem (email did not arrive, gmail was down, mail reached the tutor's junk folder, etc).
- Each one of your class files must begin with the following submission block (the personal details are an example. Include your own personal details instead):
Exercise number : 3.1
File Name : FooBar.java
Name (First Last) : Umberto Cohen
Student ID : 032392431
Email : [email protected]
When to Submit
The deadline of each exercise is posted under the Exercises page. Deadlines may change, so pay attention to the web site. Late submissions will not be accepted and will receive a zero grade.